
With great power comes great responsibility. We deeply value safe and ethical use of AI, and want to ensure our platform is used in ways that benefit you as a user as well as the world at large.

By using any services Re:cast AI provides, you agree to our Terms of Service. These terms may be updated and presented again from time to time as we expand our knowledge and capabilities. Continued use of Re:cast AI’s services constitutes acceptance and compliance to updated terms. If you do not agree or accept the terms, we must discontinue providing you access to any of Re:cast AI’s services.

By using Re:cast AI, you agree to NOT attempt to create or share content that are intended to cause harm, or are malicious, or abusive in nature. We explicitly prohibit creating content that fall into the following categories:

  • Hate: hateful symbols, negative stereotypes, comparing certain groups to animals/objects, or otherwise expressing or promoting hate based on identity.

  • Violence: violent acts and the suffering or humiliation of others.

  • Self-harm: suicide, cutting, eating disorders, and other attempts at harming oneself.

  • Sexual: sexual acts, sexual services, or content otherwise meant with the sole purpose to arouse sexual excitement.

  • Shocking: bodily fluids, obscene gestures, or other profane subjects that may shock or disgust.

  • Deception: major conspiracies or events related to major ongoing geopolitical events.

  • Political: politicians, ballot-boxes, protests, or other content that may be used to influence the political process or to campaign.

  • Public and personal health: the treatment, prevention, diagnosis, or transmission of diseases, or people experiencing health ailments.

  • Spam: unsolicited bulk content.

  • Illegal activity in your place of operation and jurisdiction.

This is a non-exhaustive list. Please exercise your ethical judgment on what constitutes ‘harm’ and use this technology to propagate good and community.

In addition, to protect our community and everyone, you are NOT allowed to explicitly create images of public figures (such as politicians, celebrities, social media personalities, or business leaders etc). You are also not allowed to create images of people with the intention of creating deepfakes.

You are responsible for your use of the service. If you harm someone else or get into a dispute with someone else, we will not be involved. If you intentionally and knowingly infringe on someone else’s intellectual property, that is also your responsibility, legal, financial, and in every aspect. We will not be responsible or involved.

As a private company Re:cast AI reserves the right to suspend or revoke your access to our services at any time, and for any reason if we find that your use of the platform violates our terms.

We reserve the right to investigate complaints or reported violations of our Terms of Service and to take any action we deem appropriate including but not limited to reporting any suspected unlawful activity to law enforcement officials, regulators, or other third parties and disclosing any information necessary or appropriate to such persons or entities relating to user profiles and their information.

Contact us.

Please drop us an email via our contact form if you have any enquires or feedback on our safety guidelines.

For more on how we manage your data, please visit Privacy.

For more on the Term of Use of this website, please visit Terms of Use.